PAINTING RULES as required
Common sense is required, Rule bending is not…..

In order for your army to be classed as Battle Ready, it must:
- Have the main areas on all models painted with reasonable colours of base and shade paint, or reasonable colours of contrast paint.
- There must be no bare plastic showing. A single colour undercoat/basecoat will not count as painted.
- Have a simple finish on every model's base. If a model has a standard flat base, it must have a covering of texture paint as a minimum. If the model has a sculpted base, this must be painted as a minimum.
- Be built and painted solely by the participant to qualify for a painting award. If you borrow an army or have help building or painting it, you cannot claim points, enter it into a painting or hobby competition, but you can still use it in your event.
Steps 1,2 and 3 are not battle ready, they are steps.......

Painting requirements maybe modified without notice, Management ruling is final, even if it isn't technically right...